Ebanie Bridges: Boxer slams trolls for reporting topless pic as Instagram takes it down

Ebanie Bridges: Boxer slams trolls for reporting topless pic as Instagram takes it down
Ebanie Bridges slammed trolls after a topless photo of hers was removed by Instagram (Twitter, Instagram)

Australian boxer Ebanie Bridges, often known as the "Blonde Bomber", is outraged about internet trolls after a seductive photo of hers was taken down by Instagram. Bridges received an Instagram warning after posting a topless photo of herself. In the photo, she is wearing nothing but boxing gloves and thongs.


“Your post goes against our guidelines on adult sexual solicitation," the Instagram notification said. Bridges shared this and said, “OK the trolls/haters are winning TBH. Eh, keep reporting my pic. I can’t re-post my pic. The last thing I wanna do is lose my account,” Instagram reportedly told the boxer that she may lose access to her account in the future if she continued to share similar photos, according to The Sun.