Prince Philip's funeral: Heartbroken Piers Morgan says Queen sitting alone during service was 'just devastating'

Prince Philip's funeral: Heartbroken Piers Morgan says Queen sitting alone during service was 'just devastating'
Piers Morgan said his heart broke to see Queen Elizabeth sitting alone at her husband's funeral (Getty Images)

The picture of Queen Elizabeth sitting alone in St George's chapel, mourning the death of her husband of 73 years, whom she described as her "strength and stay," was heartbreaking to the entire world. Among those who publicly expressed their grief was the former British broadcaster, Piers Morgan. The monarch was forced to sit alone during the service was due to the restrictions of the pandemic. 


"Has there ever been a more heart-breaking picture of The Queen? The cruel separation and loneliness suffered by so many in this pandemic, now endured by the world’s most famous woman as she says goodbye to her husband of 73 years. Just devastating," Morgan wrote in a tweet, posting a picture of the queen sitting far away from the other attendees at the funeral.