White Indiana student born in abusive home asks how can she have ‘white privilege’ in viral video

White Indiana student born in abusive home asks how can she have ‘white privilege’ in viral video
"Just asking because when I was told that, I was so upset I cried myself to sleep," the girl said. (Twitter)

As the nationwide conversation on critical race theory continues, a White Indiana student has spoken up against the idea of “White privilege” in a viral video clip. Republican lawmakers across the board have asserted that critical race theory is un-American and racist. Arguing that it will further divide the country, they have pushed harder and harder to make it illegal in classrooms.


Critical race theory is an intellectual movement and it studies racism at the systemic level, examining how policies, laws, and court decisions can perpetuate racism even if they are seemingly race-neutral. In popular usage now, however, that meaning is more or less lost. For those against it, the term now refers to a miscellany of race-related curriculums, claims and anecdotes.